Sunday Blog

Drink up for a Good night’s Sleep

  • 14 February 2017
  • By Alphonse Reddy

While a stiff alcoholic drink might calm you for the moment and ease you off to sleep, it actually doesn’t give you the sleep your body needs. It only makes you sleep at a superficial level and can slow you down the next day. If you really want to sleep...

How to Sleep well before your D Day

  • 11 February 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

You really don’t want to look haggard on your big day. While you could have gone in for a special beauty bridal package, nothing is going to hold much meaning unless you pack in the necessary hours of sleep for that ultimate glow. Here are some tips to follow before...

Yoga for Better Sleep

  • 18 January 2017
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Yoga is known to be one of the best aides for a relaxing, sound sleep. To help you have a great night’s sleep follow these DIY techniques. Let go of all tensions, stretch your body, breathe freely and get into these poses which have several benefits. Standing Forward Bend Bring...

Why is too much sleep bad for you

  • 15 January 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Anything in excess is bad, and that is applicable to sleep as well. Doctors recommend around seven to nine hours of sleep for adults. And sleeping for more than nine hours at night can affect your health adversely, which is a proven fact. Too less and too much sleep are...

How to sleep after a new born baby enters home

  • 13 January 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Everyone would have warned you about that phase of your lives as a new parent. Once the baby arrives you are probably just going to have to lose sleep. Like everything even sleep would have to be tailored around the new member of the family. But wait, to ease the...

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  • Max Dimensions: 72 inches (width) and 84 inches (length).
  • 100 Night Trial & 10-year warranty are valid as usual.
  • One additional day for delivery as compared to standard sizes.

Still confused? Call us on 080 4749 4649

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