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Yoga for Better Sleep

  • 18 January 2017
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Yoga is known to be one of the best aides for a relaxing, sound sleep. To help you have a great night’s sleep follow these DIY techniques. Let go of all tensions, stretch your body, breathe freely and get into these poses which have several benefits.

Standing Forward Bend

Bring your feet together and stand straight. Your weight should be balanced equally on both feet. Extend your arms overhead while inhaling. Bend forward and down towards the feet while exhaling. For up to 30 seconds stay in the posture and continue to take deep breaths. This asana helps to increase blood supply by invigorating the nervous system. It is the best exercise to stretch the back muscles, and makes the spine supple.

Cat Stretch

Come onto your fours. Form a table; the table top can be your back and the legs of the table can be your hands and feet. Look straight ahead. Raise your chin as you breathe in, and tilt your head back, and lift your tailbone by pushing your navel downwards. Compress your buttocks. A countermovement should follow this: Drop your chin to your chest as you breathe out, and as much as you can, arch your back up; loosen up the buttocks. This helps you to sleep well by improving digestion. It also helps to perk up blood circulation and calms the mind.

Happy Baby Pose

Bring your knees to your chest while you lay down on your back. Grab the outsides of your feet by reaching down. The knees should form a 90 degree angle and your ankles placed directly over your knees.

As you breathe out you will softly bend your knees in towards your armpits. Start to bring them closer to the floor next to your body if you are really flexible. A deeply relaxing stretch for the back this also helps to calm the nervous system. Lie on your mat and pull your knees to your chest.

Legs-up-the-wall Pose

On your back, lie down straight. Then lift one leg up, and then the other. You feet should rest on the wall. With palms facing up extend the arms along the sides.

Now take deep breaths after closing your eyes and relax in this pose. To completely relax you must block the light and can even use an eye cushion over your eyes. As long as you feel comfortable stay in the pose and then slowly bring the legs down. An excellent pose to ease tired feet and legs and relieve mild headache as it helps increase blood supply to the brain.

Yoga Nidra at Bed time

On your back lie down straight in Corpse Pose, which is known as Shavasana. Relax. Close your eyes and inhale and exhale. Repeat the process a few times. Remember to take slow and relaxed breaths. Start by gently taking your attention to your right foot. Relax your foot and for a few seconds keep your attention there. Then gently focus your attention on the right thigh, knee and hip. The whole right leg is what you should focus on and nothing else.

Gently, repeat this process for the left leg. After this you should focus on all parts of the body: stomach, genital area, chest and navel region. Take your attention to the right arm, right shoulder, fingers and palms then repeat this on the left shoulder and arm, throat, face, and at last the top of the head. Take a deep breath, and for a few minutes watch the sensations in your body, and calm down in this still state. Now, turn to your right side gradually becoming aware of your surroundings and body, and for a few more minutes keep lying down.

The breath flow will be through the left nostril when you roll over to the right side and this makes the body cool down. You can sit up slowly, and whenever you feel comfortable, gradually open your eyes.

Consistent Yoga performance requires sound sleep. Why not try our best ortho mattress that you can find on our website. Another comfortable mattress worth going for is the latex mattress online.


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