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Why is too much sleep bad for you

  • 15 January 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Anything in excess is bad, and that is applicable to sleep as well. Doctors recommend around seven to nine hours of sleep for adults. And sleeping for more than nine hours at night can affect your health adversely, which is a proven fact.

Too less and too much sleep are both detrimental to our well being.

People who sleep nine or more hours a night have considerably higher death rates than people sleeping seven to eight hours a night, according to several studies.

The serious side effects of Over Sleeping include -

Diabetes: Those who sleep too much or too little have a higher diabetes risk, according to studies. Researchers have found that people who slept for 9 hours or more a day had a higher risk of type 2 diabetes as compared to those who slept for 7 to 8 hours per night.

Heart disease: A study that involved more than 70,000 women showed that women who slept 9 or more hours were almost 40% more likely to have coronary heart disease than women who slept eight hours.

Obesity: You will gain weight if you sleep too much or too little. According to a recent study, people who slept for nine or more hours had greater chances of becoming obese than those who slept for seven or eight hours. Even when exercise and food intake were taken into account this association between obesity and sleep remained the same.

Headaches: Sleeping longer than usual can cause headache for certain people. When you sleep too much it can have an impact on the neurotransmitters present in the brain, and according to researchers this is the reason for the headache. All those who have disturbed sleep at night time because of sleeping a lot during the day also may suffer from early morning headaches.

Back pain: Earlier, doctors used to advice those suffering from back pain to take rest, but not anymore. When you are experiencing back pain you may not even need to curtail your regular exercise programme. Check with your doctor. The importance of daily activity is something all doctors vouch for. In fact they even advice not to sleep more than usual. Find out what type of mattress is best for back pain

Depression: Even though insomnia is usually linked to depression, those suffering from depression sleep a lot. Sleeping too much will only aggravate the situation. That's because to get a grip on life a fixed time and duration for sleeping are important.

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