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How to sleep after a new born baby enters home

  • 13 January 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Everyone would have warned you about that phase of your lives as a new parent. Once the baby arrives you are probably just going to have to lose sleep. Like everything even sleep would have to be tailored around the new member of the family. But wait, to ease the situation there are ways. Here are some:

Catch up on lost sleep: Try and sleep whenever possible; a few hours extra during the day or weekend. Considering you’ll be so tired, you would probably catch up on deep sleep as opposed to sleeping light in short bursts at night. Darken your room or try eye masks and sleep off.

Limit your caffeine intake: If you must, do not exceed one caffeinated drink a day and make sure not to have it during the evening or close to bedtime. Remember to keep it healthy so you are left feeling good.

Take a nap: While the baby is asleep mom should also catch a nap instead of trying to complete chores. Try to nap for at least 20 minutes. This will rejuvenate you without causing that half groggy feeling or sleep inertia. But try to sleep before 3 p.m, or else it may get in the way of your bedtime. Take help from relatives and friends if your baby doesn’t have a regular nap schedule. While you take a nap let your mother take care of the baby.

Share night duty: You will suffer from sleep deprivation if you go on feeding all through the day. Consider pumping milk if you are a nursing mom so dad can take care of at least one night time feeding. That way, instead of both of you getting broken sleep at least one person gets a good night's sleep.

Teach your baby to fall back to sleep: You need not leap out of bed the moment your baby starts whimpering or groaning in the night. Most babies by 6 months are capable of sleeping up to eight hours at a stretch. Put her to bed while she's still awake to encourage your baby to go back to sleep on her own in the middle of the night. When she wakes up she will rely on whatever approaches you've been using to pacify her to sleep (rocking or nursing, for instance).

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