Sleep as we know is an important ingredient to our well being and therefore productivity. Highly successful people despite their busy schedules find it extremely important to “switch off” and adhere to a before-bedtime routine for good sleep. Here are some ways top entrepreneurs wind down with effective habits: Bill...
When it comes to dealing with high cholesterol, diet and exercise habits come under scrutiny. However, the amount of sleep you get and your cholesterol level are also connected. To keep any heart disease at bay doctors claim proper sleep is just as important if not more. Sleeping too much or...
Over the course of night we get different kinds of sleep. Here are the different stages of sleep we pass through. Sleep stage NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement)- This sleep state comprises 4 stages of sleep apart from REMS: Sleep stage 1 - Sleep occurring after we wake up is a...
With summers almost here, we see ourselves getting restless and not sleeping the same way as we did when the weather was cooler. With fluctuating temperature or not the ideal steady temperature, we end up going into the “rapid eye movement” stage, ever so frequently, not achieving out best sleep....
Everyone has experienced great sleep at some point in their life and wish they could achieve that kind of nirvana every night. Here is how to get the much desired deep sleep that beats any luxury in the world. Invest In a white noise machine or fan that will drown...
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