Sleep as we know is an important ingredient to our well being and therefore productivity. Highly successful people despite their busy schedules find it extremely important to “switch off” and adhere to a before-bedtime routine for good sleep.
Here are some ways top entrepreneurs wind down with effective habits:
Bill Gates - Reads
The Microsoft co-founder likes to read for an hour before bed, even if it's late. "It's part of falling asleep," he was once quoted as saying.
Benefits: To prepare your body for sleep a relaxing reading ritual can help. It can also help your mind separate the stresses of daily living from your sleep time. It reduced cortisol levels. To reduce stress by lowering the body's cortisol levels reading before bed can help. To sleep soundly like a child a body needs lower levels of cortisol. This will in turn make you more calm to cope with the following day's stressors.
Sheryl Sandberg – Switches off phone
Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg ensures she disconnects before bed, turning off her phone. She told a popular US publication that it's "painful" for her to do so, but she doesn’t like to get disturbed during the night so she does it.
Benefits: Switching off devices helps shut our mind from the goings-on in our lives. As long as our devices are on they emit light and electronic waves that miscue the brain and promote wakefulness. When exposed to the blue-and-white light that emits from electronic gadgets like laptops, and phones at night it prevents our brains from discharging a hormone called melatonin that signals our bodies it's time to sleep. This is a proven fact. Experts suggest switching off devices at least an hour before sleep time helps get better quality sleep.
Arianna Huffington- Takes a hot bath
The Author of ‘The Sleep Revolution’ and the Founder of Huffington Post, was so exhausted one time that she fell and broke her cheekbone. That’s when she decided to prioritize sleep. Huffington once reported that every night she turns off her electronic devices and takes a hot bath.
Benefits: To adjust your body temperature take a warm bath at night so by the time you hit the sack you're nice and groggy. To fall asleep faster a warm bath before sleep time helps.
Oprah Winfrey- Meditates
The media mogul and businesswoman said she mediates twice a day, once in the morning and then again before going to bed. To encourage others to take up meditation she's even launched her own meditation app.
Benefits: Meditation before sleep has shown to improve sleep cycles and even increase the REM deep sleep state and cure sleep disorders. It increases sleep quality and reduces the time taken to fall asleep.
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