Health risks are associated with every season. To keep all kinds of infections at bay we need to be wise enough and take necessary precautions. After all it is better to exercise caution than regret. However, we all sometimes succumb to nature’s fury and are resigned to our comfortable bed....
“Summertime and the livin’ is easy” Remember the popular number by Ella Fitzgerald. Well, as hard as it seems with our sweltering summer that is already overhead, some simple solutions and practical steps can help us still stay comfortable and enjoy the season. So junk the exhaustion and fatigue that...
Summers call for a change in our lifestyle to keep step with nature and enjoy the season with full gusto. Every season comes with its pleasures and brings us different joys. Summers mark a rebirth where nature comes ‘alive’ and delights our spirit. There are delicious seasonal fruits like various...
Recall that sunny memory of biting into a fresh juicy mango, first of its season, in your grandmother’s court yard in summer holidays or the excitement of diving into a huge, luscious, chilled watermelon with your cousins as you partook of the joy of nature’s bounty. Come Summer and we...
The ‘Zombie’ number by ‘The Cranberries’ became an instant hit as many people could easily relate to it. However, there are different kinds of insomniacs and not everyone falls under the same category of zombies. Doctors assert it’s important to recognize which type is one to finally get cured. Firstly,...
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