The ‘Zombie’ number by ‘The Cranberries’ became an instant hit as many people could easily relate to it. However, there are different kinds of insomniacs and not everyone falls under the same category of zombies. Doctors assert it’s important to recognize which type is one to finally get cured.
Firstly, of course there is a need to own up and want to take action. Insomnia in a nut shell is a common sleep disorder. People who have insomnia have difficulty staying asleep, falling asleep, or both. As a result, they may have poor-quality sleep or too little sleep. When they wake up they may not feel re-energized.
Also you need comfortable mattress and pillows for a deep sleep. The one you have been using for years may have exceeded its life expectancy. You will find some of the best mattresses online for insomnia. So make your pick.
It is interesting to note while some may find it difficult to fall asleep (the condition is called sleep-onset insomnia), some may find it difficult to stay asleep (sleep-maintaining insomnia) or waking up too early (early morning awakening).
Different types of Insomnia:
Adjustment insomnia
This illness also called short-term insomnia or acute insomnia, usually stems from stress and disturbs your sleep. When the source of stress is gone the sleep problem ends. The anxiety may not always arise from a depressing experience. Something positive can make you too excited to sleep well.
Behavioral insomnia
When children don’t go to bed on time this condition occurs. That is why it is necessary for a parent or guardian to enforce a bedtime. Children tend to fall asleep at a normal hour when they are made to go to bed at a specified time. They may linger awake for hours at night if they are not given strict bedtimes, and compared to others later in adulthood they are relatively difficult sleepers. Also children who’ve been subjected to a violent environment with admonishing threats, can fear falling asleep, that gets reflected in their adulthood.
Idiopathic insomnia
Idiopathic insomnia starts during childhood or infancy and continues into adulthood. So it is a lifelong sleep disorder. An imbalance in your body like an underactive sleep system or an overactive awakening system is likely to be its cause, but the correct cause is unclear.
Substance insomnia
This type of insomnia is directly related to the use of any of the following substances: Medication, caffeine, alcohol, drugs. Your sleep is disrupted by your use of the substance. This type of sleep problem may also occur when you stop using a substance.
Insomnia due to a medical condition
This sleeplessness can be the symptom of a mental health disorder. The severity and course of insomnia are directly related to the mental health disorder, but it is treated separately. One could possibly have an imbalance in the chemical makeup that needs correction. Perhaps a shortage of melatonin in the brain.
Psycho-physiological insomnia
This insomnia results because of too much worrying, and is particularly focused on not being able to sleep. The insomnia may develop slowly over many years or start unexpectedly following an event. Those affected by this sleep disorder will be very anxious about their insomnia and about being tired the next day. As a result, as bedtime approaches they will be anxious and tense. Their mind will be filled with thoughts that relate to insomnia and trying to fall asleep. They become more and more tense as they will worry about falling asleep, which makes it even more difficult to fall asleep.
Just remember identifying a problem is the first step to getting cured. So whichever category you may belong to, there is always hope and a better tomorrow. So breathe a sigh, sleep your worries away...
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