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Iconic Art Work with sleep theme

  • 15 December 2018
  • By Shveta Bhagat

The number of art work on the subject of sleep in art galleries across the world is astounding. Sleep almost seems like the pet subject of artists throughout history. Paul Delvaux, Sandro Botticelli, Henri Rousseau, Vincent van Gogh, Francisco de Goya and Giorgione are just some of the big names that were fascinated with the mysterious state of sleep.

You can see the recurring sleep theme in the works of artists, such as Picasso and Matisse, who often depicted a sleeping figure in their portraits that showcased dozing women, peasants and nymphs in repose. For others, like Salvador Dalí, it was all about delving deep into the phenomena of sleep; what happens upon falling asleep, or dream, that inspired creativity.

Here are some iconic art work on the theme of sleep-

  1. Le Sommeil (Sleep) 1937 by Salvador Dali In this Dali reproduced the sort of huge, blockhead and almost non-existent body that had portrayed, more often than not, in his paintings around 1929. In this instance, however, the face certainly isn’t a self-portrait. Sleep and dreams are  per excellentiam the realm of the human unconscious, and consequently of special interest to psych oanalyists and Surrealists. In Le Sommeil Salvador Dali resumed to a traditional Surrealist motif. 
  2. Asleep, 1932 by Pablo Picasso The 1932-painting  ‘Asleep’ had Marie Therese, Pablo Picasso’s  mistress as the model . She was putting her feet up between the two highly accentuated polarized colour blocks of green and red, which highlights the tranquillity of a sleeping Marie Therese. Her claw-like traits lent her an "animalistic primitivism," a firm belief in the unsophistication and simplicity of the being. It is an uncanny mix of ugliness and beauty, a unique theme that continually held a strange fascination for Picasso, and which was portrayed in quite a number of his other works. The work is more an impression of the artist's sub-consciousness.
  3. Bedroom in Arles, 188 by Vincent Van Gogh To Van Gogh this picture was an expression of 'perfect rest', or 'sleep in general'. The brilliant, cheery little room has turned out to be a field of fleeting convergences, acute angles, and high contrast colors. His feeling of repose in the painting is so full of movement and the result of a form of cathartic method; by playing nature into movement, he is freed of tensions and wins a real peace. In The Bedroom at Arles this movement is succoured by a splash of exquisite, innovative indulgence of scattered objects. The painting portrays Van Gogh's bedroom in Arles, France, called the ‘Yellow House’. This painting is also the most famous “bedroom” in the history of art.


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