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The Truth behind Beauty Sleep

  • 03 May 2016
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Read on to know the beauty benefits of blissful sleep and some special night-time tips to look your Best!

There is a reason why every princess needs her beauty sleep. And no, it is not restricted to fables. Hitting the bed is the key to that fountain of youth, and should be made a part of your beauty regimen. While the rest aides, sleep replenishes and restores body and skin, making one feel and look beautiful and confident.

Famous sleep author Arianna Huffington too made the point when she said in a popular interview, “The term beauty sleep is so real.” In her book The Sleep Revolution, she opens up about how being well rested brought about a change in her personality and cut years from her look, deflecting the thought of botox.

The quality and amount of sleep is crucial to your body as it recovers and rejuvenates itself as you sleep. This in turn leads to many benefits for your health and looks as well. The key is to get enough sleep.

The change can be quite visible as you begin to sleep better. You instantly get complimented for looking fresher and more youthful while you feel more energy in your bones.

Here are some beauty benefits of getting a good night’s sleep-

    1. Fewer Wrinkles 
    While sleeping your skin produces collagen, which is essential to prevent sagging. Skin is less likely to wrinkle if there is more collagen. It will also make your skin look plumper. Less sleep leaves skin drier, which can make lines more visible.

    2. A Glowing Complexion
    While you sleep your body increases blood flow to the skin, and you will have a healthy glow when you wake up in the morning. Lack of sleep causes a reduced blood flow to the skin adjoining your face, making you look dull.

    3. Brighter, Less Puffy Eyes
    When you get insufficient sleep bags or dark circles start to appear under your eyes. Sleep enough, drink plenty of water and with an extra pillow lift your head at night to help combat puffy eyes.

    4. Healthier, Fuller Hair
    From blood flow hair follicles gain vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Blood flow increases when you sleep better, hence nourishing your crowning glory. People who are sleep deprived are a stressed lot and this causes hormonal imbalance which also leads to hair loss.

    5. Happier Appearance
    If you are getting too little sleep the corners of your mouth will sag, giving you a sadder appearance. We tend to frown and furrow more. However, a person who sleeps well will look happier instantly.

    6. Products Work Better
    While you sleep your skin repair happens. When the blood flow is more consistent, your skin will be able to absorb the skin-rejuvenating ingredients in your beauty products.



    Some Beauty tips for bed time..

      1. Prefer satin or silk
      A satin or silk pillowcase has a smooth texture that softens fine lines and wrinkles because it allows very little friction between the pillowcase and your skin. Silk also helps to avoid tangles and split ends and is easier on hair.

      2. Prefer Back Sleeping
      Sleeping on your back could prevent wrinkles. Frequent force on the skin causes creasing, and ultimately leads to set-in lines. People sleeping on one side tend to have more wrinkles on that particular side.

      3. Use an extra pillow
      If you tend to have puffy eyes in the morning, try sleeping with an extra pillow under your head. Check online to buy best pillows for better sleeping

        4. Moisturize
        Make sure to use an anti-aging night cream that contains hyaluronic acid for a dewy, fresh look in the morning. It helps smooth wrinkles by attracting water into the skin.
        You can keep yourself hydrated during the day by drinking lots of water. You can do this at night while you are asleep too. Just switch on a humidifier that can keep you hydrated even when you’re not able to get your frequent dose of aqua at night.

        5. Change pillowcases frequently
        Your pillow cases can be a breeding ground for bacteria. So wash your pillowcases frequently, and before deciding to send for a wash flip your pillow now and then.

        6. Put on a humidifier

        You can keep yourself hydrated during the day by drinking lots of water. You can do this at night while you are asleep too. Just switch on a humidifier that can keep you hydrated even when you’re not able to get your frequent dose of aqua at night.


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