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Feng Shui for Sleep

  • 18 September 2016
  • By Shveta Bhagat

A good night's sleep or passionate love making requires a good feng shui bedroom. Your bed is the most important feng shui piece of furniture in your bedroom. You may have the best bed mattress brand in your bedroom but you should place it according to your best or lucky feng shui direction to get better sleep.

To enhance overall health and quality of life Feng Shui principles incorporate the right elements and room placements. The continued flow of chi energy through the balance of yin (female) and yang (male) energies is channelized in the right direction by these principles.

How to have the right chi energy flowing in your bedroom:

- For a  sound restive sleep your bed should have a solid headboard.  It will protect you from the outside world by serving as a wall.

- Don't crowd your bedroom with items that don't belong there.

- Keep clothes neatly in drawers and closets.

- Never place paintings of water scenes or water features in a bedroom. This creates restless sleep as it provides too much yang energy.

- An ancient feng shui principal known as the "red bird" works in a strong way. The wall opposite the bed is one indoor location that is called the red bird. Your future is depicted in this area. What you put on this wall has to be carefully selected. Select a photo, sculpture, or painting that represents what you want to draw to your life.

- Books create poison arrow effect. Avoid bookshelves that are open. A solution is to have wood or glass doors.

- Completely cover window behind your bed with thick heavy draperies that block any light. During the day you can open the draperies to let in positive chi energy, but make sure to close them tightly when you sleep.

- Avoid using overhead lighting that is harsh. Use indirect lighting that is subdued, like that provided by floor and table lamps.

- Avoid placing your bed directly under bare beams. These result in illness or poor sleep as it creates a cutting effect.

- Never have dying plants in your room as they bring in negative energies.

- On both sides of the bed it is important to have the same night tables if you are already in a relationship. On each side there has to be identical lamps as well. If couples want a more balanced life they should even things out.

- If you are looking for love, or would like to enhance your romantic life, decorate room with pairs of decorative items. Two candles in matching crystal candlestick holders is a good choice, or artwork that depicts two flowers or two people - but never just one.


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