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Which side should you sleep on for Good Health

  • 24 October 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Our health is affected by the way we sleep. Every stream of natural sciences has a solution on “How to sleep for best results”. Ayurveda propagates sleeping to your left as it is supposed to improve blood circulation and help in better functioning of organs, keeping you healthy and looking young. It is referred to as “Vamkukshi”.

In Islamic culture, sleeping on the right, especially in the early stage of sleep, is recommended according to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. In their ritual book it says to perform ablution like that for the prayer whenever you go to bed, and lie on your right side. It is stated in the Hadith that the Prophet puts his right hand under his cheek when he wants to go to sleep.

Modern scientific studies have also shown the benefits of sleeping on the right side, especially for the heart. In particular, one study, “Comparison of Effect of 5 Recumbent Positions on Autonomic Nervous Modulation in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease,” after experimenting on healthy subjects made to sleep in three different positions, it came to the conclusion that for the heart it is best to sleep in the right lateral position.

While there is some debate over which side is better, each side comes with its own pros and cons. For example, if you do not have a snoring problem lying on your back can be very good for digestion and keeping wrinkles at bay. Same time, it is not advisable to sleep on your back if you have a snoring problem. For pregnant women it is advised to sleep on their left side as it takes the pressure off their back and helps blood circulation in the uterus. Also for better digestion it is recommended to sleep and even take a nap post meals by lying on one’s left side. If you want your partner to stop snoring, try getting him or her to sleep on their left side.

Sleeping on the right can lower blood pressure and heart rate, hence indeed be good for those with heart concerns. However sleeping on either side can get you wrinkles much faster, hence a soft pillow cover is a good idea.

The fetal position or the curved position can be bad for any neck, back or joint pain. Also it can obstruct breathing as it restricts diaphragmatic breathing. However it is healthy to sleep in this position for a pregnant woman. It is the most common sleeping position. Instead of tucking your chest and pulling your knees up high, you can relax your posture by using a pillow between your knees.

Sleeping flat on the stomach can be bad for the neck as one is forced to sleep with the neck turned. It also flattens the natural curve of the back, leading to lower back pain. The only pro of sleeping on the stomach is if you suffer from sleep apnea.

Whether you sleep facing left or right, take side with a reliable and high-quality supplier of foam mattresses online, top-selling latex foam mattress, and Ortho bed Mattress.


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