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Sleep for Better Mental Health

  • 24 September 2017
  • By Alphonse Reddy

That sleep is imperative for our well being is something we all know. The colossal impact of sleeping badly consistently is immeasurable. While there seems to be a surge in the number of people across the world suffering from depression and anxiety, modern lifestyle aggravates it.

Earlier doctors would peg insomnia as a result of depression, however recent studies show it is both ways. Chronic sleep deprivation seems to be affecting most adults and leading to restlessness and sense of inadequacy during the day. With growing challenges and chasing a livelihood a lot of adults are running low on sleep and finally finding themselves fatigued and depressive.

Daniel Freeman, co-author of a sleep research from the University of Oxford came to the conclusion “For too long insomnia has been considered a symptom of depression. Really, sleep is one of the contributing causes. If you treat the insomnia it reduces depression. Helping people have a good night’s sleep makes them automatically feel better and stronger.”

Being insomniac doubles a person’s chances of depression, according to the research.

Sleep disruption is a common reason for deteriorating mental health however there has been very little done to uproot this basic condition. In the study conducted, they observed 30 percent of the patients’ sense of paranoia or hallucination dropped in just 10 weeks, with better sleep. The researchers observed the patients to have become more self confident, cheerful and interactive.

Sleep disruption affects neurotransmitters in the brain and drives a change in thought pattern and emotional quotient, hence increasing a person’s chances of developing a psychiatric problem or aggravating it in someone who already has a condition.

Better sleep along with other things can also help integrate those who have become outlaws back into their families and society as they feel a deep sense of well being that makes them more socially attuned and responsible. Good sleep with Sundayrest’s collection of bed mattresses after all makes one feel more rooted.

There are special online cognitive therapy programmes to help people with insomnia. These programmes help associate bed with sleep, teach one how to slow down at bed time and take time out to reflect over the day before winding up. They also encourage one to create a conducive environment for sleep and most importantly conform to a sleep routine sticking to a set timing. A sleep diary where you clock in the number of hours you’ve got everyday is also encouraged.

Some of the online help sites for insomnia are CBTforinsomnia.com, Restore, Sleepio, Sleeptutor.

The advantage of these self help groups promoting sleep and in turn mental health, is that they are free of any side effects and have been put together with the help of psychologists and doctors. The programmes help in changing any counterproductive attitude or dysfunctional beliefs towards sleep. They help elevate your mood while helping you identify the exact underlying reason for your sleep issue and then working accordingly to revise it.


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