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How to control snoring at night

  • 20 April 2019
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Snoring is a highly common night-time problem that cannot be left unaddressed. It is a common occurrence in most men and women of all ages, and some more than others, but when it is regular, we need to consult a doctor.

Whilst occasional snoring can be due to drinking or exhaustion, and not that harmful, snoring regularly because of deeper reasons could be hampering your quality of sleep, affecting overall health. Also, with age the throat passage gets narrower which is why a lot of elderly people especially snore almost on constant bases.

It can be disconcerting when your partner is getting disturbed and losing sleep too. Good news is you don’t have to sleep in different bedrooms as there are effective solutions.

Snoring primarily happens when the air doesn’t pass freely though the nasal passage and throat during sleep, making the surrounding tissues vibrate producing the familiar sound. Once you understand what is causing you to snore, you could nix it. Usually a sleep doctor will ask you to keep a diary and ask your partner to note the pattern and frequency. The main reasons for snoring include age, weight gain, alcohol consumption, allergies and sinus problems. It is suggested not to sleep on your back if prone to snoring as it causes the flesh of the throat to relax and blocks the airway to some extent.

Here are some bedtime remedies to resolve snoring:

  • Change your sleeping position: Try not sleeping flat on your back and keep the head raised to at least 4 inches. There are specially designed pillows that help stop or prevent snoring by ensuring you don’t suffer from any crimp neck muscles. Side sleeping is recommended; you can ensure you don’t roll back by putting some pillows as a back rest. Check the best pillows for sleeping on our website.
    Try an anti-snoring mouth appliance: TTry an anti-snoring mouthpiece: These advanced devices, which look like an athlete’s mouth guard, open up the airways, pushing the tongue and the lower jaw slightly forward while sleeping. You can also get one from a dentist.
  • Clear nasal passage: Blow your nose before sleeping. In the case of a stuffy nose, rinse the nasal passages using a saline or salt water solution. Using nasal strips or a nasal decongestant can also enable you breathe without difficulty while you’re sleeping. In case of any allergies, keep your room insulated from any dust mites or other irritants.
  • Keep bedroom air moist: Dry air moving through the nose can irritate membranes lining the inside of the nose and throat, so if swollen nasal tissues are the problem, a humidifier is a must. Exercise: For those who have developed snoring as a result of weight gain, will need to exercise to reduce the fatty tissue in the back of the throat, to breathe freely.
  • Quit smoking: For avid smokers, snoring is a common problem. Like most irritants, smoking irritates the membranes in the nose and throat which can block the airways and cause irregular breathing. To sleep better a smoker will have to reconsider or kick the habit.

Finally if you suspect a more serious issue, consult a doctor who will prescribe certain tests and help improve your health parametres to ensure you breathe better and sleep deeper.


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