As seasons change you will also feel like your sleep pattern is changing. Your sleep cycle changes with the season. Light, temperature, allergies and time change, affect the human sleep cycle.
Melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle is triggered in darkness. You could feel sluggish in cloudy days as too much melatonin makes one tired. On the other hand, longer days in the summer may make you want to stay up later at night, resulting in fewer hours of sleep per night.
Also as temperatures rise, warm air dries out mucus membranes in the body, making it more susceptible to illness. Getting allergies or flu can affect the sleep pattern adversely, that happens especially when seasons are in the process of changing.
Ways to get good sleep in all seasons
Seasons may change and so do their patterns, but our best quality mattresses may never change with its comfort factor.
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