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This New Year, gift yourself the key to Better Sleep

  • 02 January 2020
  • By Alphonse Reddy

With a bright and promising New Year here holding abundant hopes, make sure you stay optimistic all throughout the year. Good sleep is important for the feel-good factor, and is an important psychological need in the ‘Maslow's hierarchy of human need’. Infact we don’t need to go into research to know how detrimental good sleep is to our mood and spirits. We declare a day good when we have slept exceptionally well and wake up with a spring in our feet and a tune on our lips that then dictates the rest of our day.

Sleep is also known to increase our tolerance levels when it comes to pain and make us feel stronger and more in control when faced with any challenge. A sleep deprived person is known to be twice more prone to getting into conflict situation or reacting faster triggered by emotions. So toughen up physically, mentally and emotionally by getting this most natural form of healing. All therapeutic sleep helps repair cells and produce new ones ensuring proper functioning of the body.

Here is how you can try sleeping better this year-

1. Reduce sugar intake

Sweet intake especially closer to sleep time can make you restless, leading to exhaustion following day. Eating lots of sugar reduces the activity of what are called orexin cells and while it may put you to sleep, it disrupts good quality sleep. Especially refined sugar can interfere in good sleep.


2. Restrict socializing to weekends

Having too many late nights will break any attempt to a good sleep routine. Your body clock will stop reacting to the pre set sleep time and will start craving stimulants that in turn are harmful for your blood sugar level and weight gain tendency.


3. Move your Body

Have an exercise routine. Try and do some form of exercise for at least 40 minutes a day. Just ensure you don’t exercise too close to your sleep hour. Ideally morning is the best time to exercise. It increases slow wave sleep, which helps in deep sleep. Exercise also releases endorphins that result in a sense of well being that is important for peaceful sleep.


4. Get Sunlight

Try and get some sunlight every day. Sunlight is the best, natural way to produce melatonin, which is so important for sleep. It will also energize you for the day, pulling you out of any sluggish sensation. Getting some sunlight and staying active is even more important in wintertime.


5. Invest in your Bedroom

Since this is your sacred space where you spend a large part of your life sleeping. Ensure you do up your room in a way conducive to good sleep. Get a good mattress from our mattress brands, get heavy curtains to block out any sounds, get carpet and throw ons in either pristine colours of whites or beige or else warm colours. peration.

Stay Happy, Stay disciplined and Sleep like a Baby this new year!


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