Sunday Blog

Best Pillows For Sleeping

  • 27 October 2021
  • By Gagan Shiv

You got a new job and are planning to move to a new city, a new apartment, ready to take on the world. Excited to decorate and set the place your way, you have decided to complete your pillow shopping in one weekend. But after spending more than 10 minutes on the internet looking for the perfect pillow, you are bound to be confused more than ever! So, sit back and relax as we do all the hard work for you.

Most Needed Home Decor

  • 09 November 2020
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Do you have a list of home decors in your hand? A minimalistic approach for lifestyle can change your perspective towards home decoration. Home Improvisation leads to the betterment of life as it helps in making your dreams come true by showcasing your interest in re-designing your home. A decorated...

The Sleep Decor is Now a Life Saviour

  • 09 October 2020
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Waking up to know that you don’t feel alright is the worst feeling ever! You can end your days bad but having a bad start isn’t something you should compromise for. Your mattress determines not just the quality of your sleep but also the quality of your entire life. Sleep...

How to choose a mattress that is perfect for you

  • 03 December 2019
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Okay, so you’ve decided to buy a mattress and are familiar with all the big brands calling out to you from hoardings and TVCs. But do you know which one to pick and what criteria to follow? Here are some helpful guidelines:1. A bed preferably has to be on the button,...

The Allure of a Nap

  • 30 January 2019
  • By Shveta Bhagat

The power nap as we know it is part of the culture in many countries and over time has even been acknowledged and introduced in offices. It sure does come with its sweet appeal as who doesn’t want an extra wink to feel energized. Interestingly the siesta culture originated in...

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We cater to all custom sizes. The process is simple: Please order the next higher standard size. Just reply to the order confirmation email and mention the required dimensions.
  • Max Dimensions: 72 inches (width) and 84 inches (length).
  • 100 Night Trial & 10-year warranty are valid as usual.
  • One additional day for delivery as compared to standard sizes.

Still confused? Call us on 080 4749 4649

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Get our award winning Sunday Delight Pillow complimentary with mattress. Joy of sharing!
Just a cool video of robots making our mattress in Belgium. Your friends will 💖💖
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The offer is valid when the order contains a Sunday mattress & a Delight Pillow (standard). This is a limited period & limited stock offer. This offer cannot be clubbed with other offers including 0% EMI, Friend referral etc.
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