Sunday Blog

Decoding the Nobel Prize 2017 for the “Circadian Rhythm”

  • 25 October 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

The limelight is once again on the “circadian rhythm”, thanks to the Nobel Prize 2017 in physiology. We had heard the term so far with relation to sleep and how it is accountable for our sleep cycle. So what is new that the scientists have discovered? The Nobel laureates Jeffrey...

Which side should you sleep on for Good Health

  • 24 October 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Our health is affected by the way we sleep. Every stream of natural sciences has a solution on “How to sleep for best results”. Ayurveda propagates sleeping to your left as it is supposed to improve blood circulation and help in better functioning of organs, keeping you healthy and looking...

Astral projection and dreams:Signals from a higher plane?

  • 23 August 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

What is astral projection? Our consciousness can move out of our body and travel the astral plane as a non physical entity, it is better known as an out of body experience (OBE) where our consciousness travels and observes various dimensions. There has been debate on how one achieves this...

Do Women need more Sleep?

  • 02 August 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

The oft used phrase “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” applies when it comes to sleep as well, and the main reason being physiological. The need for enough sleep cuts across gender and the consequences of being sleep deprived are felt equally by both. Then you’d ask what...

How to sleep better when switching time zones…

  • 20 June 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Different time zones can confuse your body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm and disturb your sleep. Adjusting to the new local time can be more challenging for your body the more time zones you traverse. Also, when you take a trip from west to east your chances of experiencing difficulties...

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